Apple man in Tesla's self-driving car seat
Pete Bannon takes Keller's driving wheel
Now that Jim Keller left Tesla for Intel, the new chap in control of Tesla's self-driving car is former PA Semi and Apple apostate Pete Bannon.

AMD admits it is vulnerable to both versions of Spectre
So much for saying that the second one was low risk
After days of saying that there was a "near zero" chance of its chips being hit by the two Spectre bugs, AMD has finally admitted it's vulnerable to both of them.

Blackberry gives up on Smartphones
End of an error
BlackBerry has said it's getting out of the hardware business and will "outsource that function to partners."

Apple needs to stop selling four year old computers
Fanboys are revolting
A while back Apple took the Nintendo out of those who owned five year old PCs calling them “sad people”. However, the fruity cargo cult is now peddling “new” computers which are that august age and even Apple fanboys are screaming “hey we are not THAT sad.”

PC shipments lowest since 2007
9.6 per cent drop in a year
Beancounters at Gartner have been totting up some figures on a back of an envelope and reached the conclusion that PC shipments have dropped 9.6 percent.
Wii U might be able to handle StarCraft II
PC still the optimal platform for the game
Intel rules out buying HP's hardware business

Not that we ever thought it would
9900 delayed because of hardware issue?

Will launch in September, no August release
Wii U hardware not a surprise

We already knew what was in it
2015 for next Xbox hardware?

Rumors are untrue, according to sources