Scots to sign R100 broadband contact with BT
Much delayed superfast broadband roll-out programme
The Scottish Government (SG) expects to sign a contract with BT (Openreach) for the delivery of their much delayed LOT 1 area, which forms part of the £579m R100 (Reaching 100 percent) superfast broadband roll-out programme, “before the end of the calendar year”.

Scots turn to mobiles to reduce COVID-19 in elderly care homes.
Software decides if you can visit
NHS Highland, Highland Health Ventures and Wyld Networks are deploying technology to help reduce the spread of viruses including COVID-19 in care homes.

Scotland on track to be 100 per cent renewable energy
Taking the High Road
Scotland is on track to move its energy sector to 100 percent renewables by the end of this year.

Russians ready to hack your car
They've got a blinking swerve
A top brass from the UK's army has warned that Vladimir Putin's cybertroops may well target British traffic lights and Belisha beacons and other vulnerable points as the move to IP based systems builds up a head of steam.
Russians invading Scotland
Doing better than the English
New studio could open in Dundee

Eutechnyx looks at opening a new facility