Google fined for blocking Android customisation
Published in Mobiles
Tuesday, 14 September 2021 12:19

Google fined for blocking Android customisation

Search engine not having a good year

South Korea's antitrust regulator has fined Alphabet Google $176.64 million for blocking customised versions of its Android operating system.

Google and Apple forced to open app stores
Published in News
Wednesday, 01 September 2021 12:33

Google and Apple forced to open app stores

At least in South Korea

Google and Apple will have to open their app stores to alternative payment systems in South Korea threatening their lucrative commissions on digital sales.

Google pays Apple $15 billion to use its search engine
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Up $5 billion from 2020

Search engine outfit Google has been bribing paying the fruity cargo cult Apple to use its search engine by default in its iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

Google tells its staff to sling their hook
Published in News
Wednesday, 25 August 2021 12:11

Google tells its staff to sling their hook

They must do evil without question or be fired.

Google employees have no legal right to protest the company's choice of clients, the internet giant told a judge weighing the US government's allegations that its firings of activists violated the National Labor Relations Act.

Google Pixel 5a is an updated Pixel 4a 5G
Published in Mobiles
Tuesday, 17 August 2021 23:12

Google Pixel 5a is an updated Pixel 4a 5G

Larger screen and larger battery for $449

Google has now finally unveiled the Pixel 5a, a slight update from the Pixel 4a 5G smartphone, with a slightly larger screen, IP67 rating, and a larger battery, all for $449.

Google's upcoming Pixel 6 phones could end up with Samsung camera sensor
Published in Mobiles

The 50MP Samsung GN1 sensor

It appears that Google won't be just tapping Samsung for Tensor SoC on its upcoming Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro smartphones but also for the main camera sensor, as it has been pretty much confirmed that these will use Samsung's 50-megapixel GN1 sensor.

Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro officially out
Published in News
Tuesday, 03 August 2021 11:47

Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro officially out

New design and processor 

Google has lifted the kimono on its Pixel 6 and Google Pixel 6 Pro smartphones in a surprisingly low-key announcement.

Google managers ignore statistics on home working
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Staff have to be in the office, it does not matter if they are more efficient

It seems that Google managers are ignoring the statistics which suggest the company workers are far more productive working from home.

French fine Google 500 million euro
Published in News
Wednesday, 14 July 2021 12:14

French fine Google 500 million euro

Failed to negotiate fair deals with news publishers

Google was fined 500 million euro ($593 million) Tuesday by French competition regulators for failing to comply with an order to negotiate fair deals with news publishers for the use of their content.

Google staff furious about boss hybrid work hypocrisy
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Staff forced to work in the office while executive works from a kiwi beach

Google staff are hacked off that while they are forced buy expensive houses and commute to work, top executives are allowed to work from “home” even when that home is somewhere cheaper, nicer and prettier.