Huawei downplays Trump’s "reprieve"
Published in News
Wednesday, 03 July 2019 12:30

Huawei downplays Trump’s "reprieve"

US Trade Officials ignoring Trump anyway

US President Donald (Prince of Orange) Trump’s move to relax a ban on Huawei will not have “much impact” on the business, according to Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei.

Trump appears to soften his tone on Huawei
Published in News

Suddenly realises it buys a lot of US product

US President Donald Trump has appeared to be softening his view on Chinese communications giant Huawei and suggested he would allow the company to once again purchase US technology.

Chinese chipmakers still need US tech
Published in News
Thursday, 27 June 2019 12:22

Chinese chipmakers still need US tech

We can’t have independence without a little dependence

Chinese chipmakers have been warning their government that they cannot meet targets to domestically source 40 per cent of chips by 2020 without US involvement.

Big Tech rallies to fight Trump
Published in News
Thursday, 20 June 2019 13:05

Big Tech rallies to fight Trump

Hands off our hardware

Dell, HP, Microsoft and Intel have issued a statement saying that they were opposed to US President Donald Trump’s proposal to include laptop computers and tablets among the Chinese goods targeted for tariffs.

Euro chipmakers suffer because of Trump's trade war
Published in PC Hardware


Shareholders fear that they might be forced into a global ban

European chipmakers Infineon Technologies, AMS and STMicroelectronics shares fell sharply amid worries  Huawei Technologies suppliers may suspend shipments to the Chinese firm due to a US crackdown.

Trump bans US tech in Huawei products
Published in Mobiles
Friday, 17 May 2019 10:35

Trump bans US tech in Huawei products


Trade blacklist

President Donald (Prince of Orange) Trump has added China’s Huawei to a trade blacklist, immediately enacting restrictions that will make it extremely difficult for the telecom giant to do business with US companies.

Trump’s Huawei blockade fails in Europe
Published in Network
Wednesday, 20 March 2019 12:29

Trump’s Huawei blockade fails in Europe

Sorry, we want cheaper 5G

European governments appear to be ignoring US president Donald (Prince of Orange) Trump’s persecution of Huawei.

US orders Germany to dump Huawei
Published in News
Tuesday, 12 March 2019 08:50

US orders Germany to dump Huawei

Intelligence. They've heard of it

In a remarkable escalation of the tech wars between the USA and China, a missive to Germany instructed the independent country not to use Huawei kit.

Trump thinks Tim Cook is an Apple
Published in News
Thursday, 07 March 2019 10:33

Trump thinks Tim Cook is an Apple

A cooking apple

US president Donald (Prince of Orange) Trump seems to be having a spot of confusion about who is in charge of the fruity cargo cult Apple.

Trump administration unveils order to prioritise and promote AI
Published in AI

Wants to replace all those jobs in the rust belt with nice new machines

US President Donald (Prince of Orange) Trump is going to force federal government agencies to dedicate more resources and investment into research, promotion and training on artificial intelligence (AI).