Intel warned Chinese about Spectre and Meltdown before the Americans
Published in News

US spooks read about it in the tech press

Chipzilla warned specific customers, including Chinese tech firms, of the Spectre and Meltdown security flaws before notifying the US government.

DT, Intel and Huawei have tested 5G using 3GPP R15
Published in Mobiles

On target for 2019 5G adoption

Deutsche Telekom (DT), Intel and Huawei have been working on what they have been calling the world's first 5G interoperability and development testing (IODT) based on the 3GPP R15 Standard with a commercial base station.

Companies need to push application performance
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Cloud expert says Spectre and Meltdown requires company effort for a long time

While Intel still is unable to get a patch out to fix Spectre and Meltdown, companies need to sort out their managing application performance, a cloud expert has warned.

Intel warns about installing its chip patch
Published in PC Hardware

Torvalds was right - Intel is a chicken with its head cut off

A day after Linus Torvalds warned that Intel’s patching for a severe security flaw on its chips was “garbage”, Intel has warned users not to upgrade.

More Intel Coffee Lake-S CPUs show up online
Published in PC Hardware

Celeron, Pentium, Core i3, and Core i5 SKUs 

As Intel is expected to reveal the rest of its Coffee Lake-S lineup sometime next month, it comes as no surprise that some of those SKUs have already leaked online.

Dell's XPS 15 2-in-1 with RX Vega M GL GPU tested
Published in AI

Pushes 35fps in Rise of the Tomb Raider at 1080p

Select members of the press at CES 2018 show had a chance to spend some time with Dell's latest XPS 15 2-in-1 convertible laptop which was running on Intel's 8th generation Kaby Lake CPU with Radeon RX Vega M graphics and while some were quite keen to check out the cooling, some had a chance to run Rise of the Tomb Raider game.

Data centre computers could face reboot hell
Published in PC Hardware

Intel's Spectre and Meltdown patches make a mess of newer chips

Data centre computers with Intel's newer chips might reboot more often than normal because of problems with the patches issued to fix the so-called Spectre and Meltdown security flaws.

Intel has more firmware problems
Published in PC Hardware

This time with Active Management Technology

Chipzilla is having a rough time of it, Meltdown and Spectre is causing a PR nightmare, it can’t get trouble-free patches to install and now a new long term bug has been found.

Intel releases its post Meltdown and Spectre performance figures
Published in News

Impact a little worse than claimed

Chipzilla has come out with some performance impact data on its post patch  6th, 7th and 8th Generation Intel Core processor platforms using Windows 10 and its figures are not exactly good for older PCs.

Power cut hits giant electronics show
Published in News

Viva, Las Vegas

A power cut, of all things, downed the Computer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas today.