Companies suffer as Apple slashes production
Published in PC Hardware

Apple bubble bursting

The industry leaders who depended on Apple to continue making shedloads of money peddling similar products each year are suffering as Apple slashes production as people no longer want their main product – the iPhone 6s.

Snapdragon 820 Successor drops its custom core
Published in PC Hardware

Exclusive: It will use ARM Cortex

Fudzilla has confirmed that the Kryo core might be the last custom developed CPU core from Qualcomm, at least for now.

ARM getting attention from server makers
Published in PC Hardware

Five sign up

More than five computer makers have announced that they are going to use servers with ARM processors.

ARM and Nokia want TCP/IP rewrite
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Needs to be faster

Nokia and ARM want to spruce up the TCP/IP stack to make it better suited to networks that need to operate at high speed and/or low latency.

More Chinese chipmakers go for ARM
Published in PC Hardware

All thanks to government cash

ZTE has received a pile of cash from the Chinese government to speed up the development of its own application processors based around ARM designs.

Sony denies working on its own chips
Published in PC Hardware

And we are not selling our mobile division either

Sony has been at the centre of a few rumours lately and it appears that Sony Corporation President and CEO Kazuo Hirai has had to go on record with a fairly big list of denials.

Morgan Stanley tests ARM on its datacentres
Published in PC Hardware

AppliedMicro flavour

Finance outfit Morgan Stanley has been testing AppliedMicro ARM processors for its data centres and come back with shedloads of real world experience.

Silicon Labs supports ARM mBed
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Can handle all of the Gecko family

Silicon Labs has announced broad support for ARM mbed OS within the energy-friendly EFM32 Gecko MCU based around ARM Cortex-M processors.

Intel might lose Apple contract
Published in PC Hardware

Fanboy thinks x86 is doomed

Intel is about to lose its lucrative contract to supply Apple gear as Jobs’ Mob thinks its own ARM based chips can do better

ARM announces new Cortex-A35
Published in PC Hardware

Claims that it is the most efficient

British chipdesigner ARM has announced details of its new Cortex-A35 64-bit processor and it has a swathe of new features.