China throws money at chip foundries
Published in News

US has forced its hand

China's state-backed funds pumped $2.25 billion into a Semiconductor Manufacturing International  wafer plant to support advanced-chip making.

China smartphone shipments increase
Published in Mobiles

But not Apple

While we know that Apple's smartphone sales in China are pretty flat, it seems that runs against Android sales which are growing rather nicely.

Chinese boffins come up with fuel free jet propulsion
Published in Transportation

We thought you were not supposed to put an ion in a microwave

A team of boffins at the Institute of Technological Sciences at Wuhan University have demonstrated a prototype device that uses microwave air plasmas for jet propulsion instead of ordinary aircraft fuel.

Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 might be sending data to China
Published in Mobiles

Xiaomi denies it

Cybersecurity researcher Gabi Cirlig discovered that his Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 smartphone was watching much of what he was doing and sending that data to remote servers hosted by Chinese tech giant Alibaba, which were ostensibly rented by Xiaomi.

Top Tory fears China taking UK’s Imagination
Published in News

We have so little of it lately

A high profile member of Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Conservative Party has urged the government to take all necessary steps to prevent a Chinese firm from taking control of Imagination Technologies.

Apple still suffering in China
Published in News

A little trouble in Big China

Fruity cargo cult Apple is selling 20 percent less phones in China than it did last year.

Chinese hackers targeting Linux servers
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Penguin makes a change from bat

BlackBerry researchers found five Chinese hacker groups which have systematically targeted mostly Linux servers while remaining undetected for a decade.

Apple slashes prices in China
Published in Mobiles

Situation is grave when that happens

While many Chinese phone vendors are reporting that sales are starting to go up again, Apple is not one of them because it is behind on 5G.

China ramps up its backend IC
Published in News

Needs to be free of western influence

The moves by the US to shut down Chinese manufacturing of high tech gear appear to have resulted in a self-sufficiency push which should put the fear of Chiyou in the hearts of western chipmakers.

UK MPs worried about Chinese takeover of Imagination
Published in News

Worried that British technology could end up in Chinese paws

Senior MPs are asking the government to intervene to prevent a Chinese state-owned business from taking control of the board of British chipmaker Imagination Technologies.