Tesla complains of staff poaching
Published in Transportation

Rivian nicked sensitive information

Tesla alleges that four of its former workers took highly sensitive proprietary information as they left to work for the rival EV startup Rivian.

BA mothballs its 747 fleet early
Published in Transportation


Early retirement due to Coronavirus

 British Airways has said it will retire all of its Boeing 747s as it suffers from the sharp travel downturn due to rhw CoronaVirus.

Self-driving startup develops car without wheels
Published in Transportation

Designed to give instructions to a self-driving car.

Self-driving startup Voyage built a physical "Telessist Pod" with software that allows a remote operator to give instructions to a self-driving car.

Hybrid drones open new opportunities for farmers
Published in Transportation

HYBRiX comes up with method of making things more efficient

Drone spraying has been widely used in Southeast Asian countries such as China and Japan with great results. Now the trend is spreading to the US and Europe too.

US moves to pilotless fighters
Published in Transportation

We are going borg

The next combat aircraft to enter the US Air Force inventory will not be a manned sixth-generation fighter or even the Northrop Grumman B-21.