China has glorious five year robotics plan
Published in News
Friday, 31 December 2021 11:48

China has glorious five year robotics plan

Pushed forward due to US hate

China will work to become a leading global player in robotics by 2025 under a glorious five-year plan to build a high-tech manufacturing sector resilient to American sanctions.

US government does not have enough money to sue Apple and Google
Published in News

That is what happens when corporates get too powerful

The US Justice Department is still months away from deciding whether to sue Apple or file a new suit against Google over antitrust concerns, because it has does not have enough cash to take the big corporates on right now.

US 5G is total rubbish
Published in Network
Thursday, 23 December 2021 11:05

US 5G is total rubbish

Even if it is more available 

While users in the land of the fee are spending more time on 5G than anywhere else in the world, the service is rubbish, according to a new report released by Ookla.

Facebook insists that US provides enough data protection
Published in News

It can be trusted with Euro data

Despite the European Union's highest court twice declaring that the United States does not offer sufficient protection for Europeans' data from American national security agencies, the social media giant's lawyers continue to disagree.

US tries to tackle cybersecurity skills gap
Published in News
Tuesday, 07 December 2021 11:55

US tries to tackle cybersecurity skills gap

500,000 jobs vacant 

The US government is speeding up efforts to fill nearly 600,000 vacant cybersecurity positions in the public and private sectors bogging down efforts to protect digital infrastructure.

US and EU must avoid chip subsidy race
Published in News
Friday, 12 November 2021 12:33

US and EU must avoid chip subsidy race

EU Competition Commissioner warns of money for nothing and your chips for free 

The United States and the European Union must avoid a subsidy race as they rush to support semiconductor production amid a global chip shortage, EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager said.

US experimenting with AI for predictive tactics
Published in News


US Northern Command (NORTHCOM) recently conducted a series of tests known as the Global Information Dominance Experiments, or GIDE, which combined global sensor networks, artificial intelligence (AI) systems, and cloud computing resources to "achieve information dominance" and "decision-making superiority".

ASML Holding is caught in China and US trade war
Published in News

US leaning on the Dutch to prevent the Chinese from getting the tech

ASML has become a pawn in the game of thrones between China and the US.

US wants to blacklist Chinese supercomputing entities now
Published in PC Hardware

The only way we can stay ahead is if we take away their abacus 

The US Commerce Department has added seven Chinese supercomputing entities to a US economic blacklist for assisting Chinese military efforts.

US-China trade war spoils it for the rest
Published in News
Wednesday, 23 September 2020 12:29

US-China trade war spoils it for the rest

TSMC chairman Mark Liu warns

The US-Chinese trade war is driving up costs and limiting the flow of ideas, the chairman of TSMC warned.