Apple takes 20 years to fix bug
Published in News
Thursday, 06 June 2019 11:07

Apple takes 20 years to fix bug

MacOS was vulnerable for all that time 

Fruity cargo-cult Apple has repaired a bug which has been in its operating system for 20 years.

Macworld admits Apple has lost the plot
Published in News
Thursday, 06 June 2019 11:03

Macworld admits Apple has lost the plot

Cut and pastes Fudzilla arguments

You know that there is something wrong when a fanatical Apple fanboy rag like Macworld starts to use phrases to describe the fruity cargo cult which might have come from Fudzilla.

Apple orders developers to snub Google and Facebook
Published in News

Developers might have to obey if they want their app approved

Fruity cargo cult Apple is ordering developers who want to sell on its App store that they must always place its login button above Google or Facebook.

Apple surpases itself for pricing stupidity
Published in News
Wednesday, 05 June 2019 11:39

Apple surpases itself for pricing stupidity

$1000 for a monitor stand?  

The fruity cargo-cult Apple appears to be seeing how much cash it can screw out of its customers before they realise they have been had.

Apple comes up with a $6,000 cheese grater
Published in News

Design is something for other people

The fruity cargo cult Apple, which used to be known for its design over substance, has come up with a new Mac Pro design which looks like a cheese grater.

Apple finally invents the thumb drive
Published in News
Tuesday, 04 June 2019 11:53

Apple finally invents the thumb drive

Super cool technology finally makes it to the iPad

The geniuses at Apple have finally got the super cool, game changing thumb drive technology to work on its latest iPad – just 20 years behind Microsoft

Apple finally kills iTunes
Published in News
Tuesday, 04 June 2019 11:49

Apple finally kills iTunes

Death of clunky long-out-of-date software

Fruity cargo cult Apple has finally killed off its much maligned out of date music software iTunes.

Justice Department probes Apple
Published in News
Tuesday, 04 June 2019 11:39

Justice Department probes Apple

Anti-competitive actions

The US Justice Department has jurisdiction for a potential probe of Apple using its size to act in an anti-competitive manner.

Dark Mode is Apple’s latest snake oil
Published in News

Fake science

Dark Mode is the "best feature" of macOS 10.14 Mojave, and the fruity cargo cult Apple claims that it can create a distraction-free working environment that’s easy on the eyes. However it turns out that if it is true then Apple fanboys do not have human brains.

Apple abandons 3D touch
Published in Mobiles
Friday, 31 May 2019 12:36

Apple abandons 3D touch

Users would not touch it with a bargepole

Your years after 3D Touch debuted on the iPhone 6s and was touted to be a game changing technology that would change the way we made phone calls, Apple is killing it off as yet another product it could not market its way to success.