Developers are furious as Apple cuts app store commission by “a whopping” three per cent
Tame Apple press goes on the attack
The Tame Apple Press is furious after greedy developers dared to question Apple’s generosity in lopping off three per cent from the 30 per cent it takes from them for the privilege of being in its App store.

Which developers get the most cash
If you bet cloud you can collect your money
This year’s highest paid software developers are those who are creating code for the cloud according to Robert Half's 2022 Salary Guide.

Developers dealing with more code than before
No, you are not just imagining it
Developers are being forced to handle more than 100 times the amound of code that they did a decade ago.

Tech industry still favours younger developers
Experience is a bad thing for engineers
The tech jobs marketplace at Hired.com crunched some numbers on 400,000 interview requests and job offers over the last year to produce their annual "State of Software Engineers" report and discovered that software engineers with more than ten years of experience get 20 percent fewer interview requests than engineers with four to ten years coding.

Cybersecurity software revenue to hit $27 billion by 2023
Humanity is an insecure species
Number crunchers at PreciseSecurity.com have been flipping their abacuses and reached the conclusion that cybersecurity software revenue is expected to reach $25.1 billion in revenue this year.

Christian apps do unholy things to your data
No one expects the Spanish Inquisition
A bunch of Christian developers have been screwing over the faithful for a decade, and no one appears to be giving a damn, according to reports from CNET.

Developers revolt against the Apple cult
Does not treat its own Apps in the same way
A group of developers has fired off a stiffly worded missive to the Cult Leader Tim Cook saying that Apple's changes to its iOS 13 operating system will hurt their business.

Developer gives up on crowdfunded game
Limit Theory pulled six years after a successful Kickstarter campaign
Space sim Limit Theory has been cancelled, six years after a successful crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter after the main developer ran out of steam.

Apple's Swift is not up to snuff
After four years developer writes "Dear John" to Swift
Four years after it was released to the enthusiasic applause of the Tame Apple Press, a group of developers have been looking at the progress of Apple's programming language Swift and found that Jobs' Mob created a chocolate teapot.

Developers fight over the right to be nasty to each other
Will never agree to be nice and polite
A developer publicly quit a large and popular open source project after he refused to agree to be nice to his fellow developers and was hacked off that an intern programme was only open to LGBTQ, African Americans, Hispanic and Native Americans.