ARM China conflict escalates
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Chinese government might need to become involved

ARM's conflict with its Chinese subsidiuary is getting out of hand, and might require intervention from the Chinese government.

ARM says its Chinese subsidiary CEO creates a climate of fear
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Global warming of tempers

ARM has accused ARM China CEO Allen Wu of “propagating false information and creating a culture of fear and confusion among ARM China employees”.

China’s ICT spending in 2020 set to decline by 7.6 percent
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COVID-19 pandemic bit it bad says Global Data 

China’s ICT spending for 2020 is expected to register a decline of 7.6 percent, against the estimated positive growth rate of 7.2 percent before the COVID-19 outbreak, according to beancounters at GlobalData.

Trump brags how he forced the UK to abandon Hauwei
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Boris Johnson has to give me his lunch money now

Britain announced on Tuesday that it would ban equipment from the Chinese technology giant Huawei from the country's high-speed wireless network, even if it means falling behind on 5G and ending up with a more expensive product.

Hong Kong now part of the Great Firewall of China
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Freedom gone

The Great Firewall of China, the vast apparatus that limits the country's internet, is now part of Hong Kong's internet scene.

Huawei and ZTE "national security threats" to the United States
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Officially declared

The United States  has formally declared telecom giants Huawei and ZTE "national security threats".

Zoom accused of buttering up the Chinese government
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Don't mention Tiananmen Square

Zoom Video Communications is in hot water after it temporarily shut the account belonging to a group of US-based Chinese activists after they held an event to commemorate the 31st anniversary of China’s Tiananmen Square crackdown.

ARM split in China over dirty deeds
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Has Allen Wu been fired?

ARM has clashed publicly with its Chinese operation over the antics of the group's Chinese CEO.  ARM UK insists Allen Wu has been fired for failing to disclose conflicts of interest, but he says he is still in charge. 

China develops million mile batteries
Published in Transportation

Wait for US Big Oil to try and kill the idea

Chinese outfit Contemporary Amperex Technology has developed a power pack that lasts more than a million miles -- an industry landmark and a potential boon for automakers trying to sway drivers to their EV models.

Chinese smartphone makers looking away from US
Published in Mobiles

US dependence is too risky

Chinese smartphone manufacturer Oppo is increasing its its efforts to develop its own smartphone CPUs believing that US gear is too risky to have in your supply chain.